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Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities Explained
Predictable and
100% guaranteed.
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A Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity is a safe and predictable account that provides a guaranteed interest rate for a specified time (typically 2 to 10 years).
You choose the length of time that fits your needs and goals. You also decide how much money to deposit.
It is all very simple and predictable. Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities offer higher interest rates that allow your money to grow faster.
Today you can lock-in a 3-year guaranteed rate of 5.60%*.
You can reinvest the interest to grow your balance, or you can choose to receive the interest every month.
After 3-years (with a 3-Year Guaranteed Annuity) you are free to withdraw all of your money without penalty or fees. Or you can start a new guarantee period.
If you wanted a shorter guarantee period, usually the interest rate will be slightly lower.
If you prefer a longer guarantee period (up to 20-years is available), the interest rate will be slightly lower today. A ten-year rate of 5.25% is a good example.
All choices are simple to understand, predictable and 100% guaranteed upfront.
During the accumulation, or deferral period, your money will be invested with an insurance company and grow on a tax-deferred basis.
Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities are often used for IRA funds or for part of a 401(k) rollover.
Sometimes they are appropriate for excess cash that may be sitting currently in savings or checking accounts.
To summarize, a Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity is an account where you receive a guaranteed interest rate for a selected period of time.
Why we really like Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities:
Interest rates for annuities are significantly higher than other safe options. We compare CD rates in the Toledo, Ohio area every week.
Everyone needs some portion of their retirement savings in an account that cannot go down in value.
A Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity is an account you can easily describe to your family and friends. You can confidently say, "it's an account where I earn 5.60% for 3-years. I can allow it to grow, or I can take income whenever I want".
Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity
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