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Writer's pictureSerious Money Ohio

Do you own an awful annuity?

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

Over the past 38-years I have seen thousands of retirees (and people saving for the day they can quit working) own annuities that were simply awful.

How were they to know, that in a world of great annuities, they were being sold something way less.

Good annuities share similar characteristics. Awful annuities also have similar traits.

Low interest rates, little opportunity for growth, surrender penalties that last for way too long and fees and expenses that would choke a horse. All traits of an awful annuity.

How do you know if you have a winner or a loser?

You could go back to the broker, insurance agent or bank that sold you the annuity. I'm not sure how straight of an answer to expect.

You could go to a new broker, insurance agent or bank and have them review your annuity. Here you could get a straight answer. Or, you could get someone trying to replace your great annuity with something less- just so they can earn a commission.

If you'd like an independent analysis, I am now offering an Annuity Report Card. Depending on the annuity type, over 30-different features and benefits are analyzed to produce a letter grade, A+ to F.

You can see a sample (I think you'll be impressed) and request your own Annuity Report Card on our website today.

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